Notice is hereby given that a Development Application (DA) has been lodged with Gilgandra Shire Council through the NSW Planning Portal for the demolition of a building. Council Reference: DA 2025/574. The proposed development will be located on Lot 232 DP6192, 68 Myrtle Street, Gilgandra NSW 2827. The Statement of Environmental Effects can be viewed here(DOC, 3MB) or hard copies are available at Gilgandra Shire Administration Building, 15 Warren Road, Gilgandra, NSW 2827.
Any interested person may, within the aforementioned period, make written submission to the Gilgandra Shire Council with respect to such proposed development. If your comments are an objection, then the grounds of the objection must be specified.
Any submissions that you wish to make on this proposal may be included without alteration (including names and addresses) in reports that are available to the public, in Council business papers (which are published on Council's Website) and may also be made available to the applicant for comment during consideration of the development application. Anonymous submissions may be given less (or no) weight in consideration of the proposal.
Submissions can be made in writing until 5pm, Tuesday 25 March 2025 to:
General Manager
Gilgandra Shire Council
PO Box 23
Gilgandra NSW 2827
Or emailed with the subject heading DA2025/574 to
Conflict-of-Interest-Statement-68-Myrtle-Street.pdf(PDF, 74KB)