Q19/24 Earth Works & Associated Works - Gilgandra Waste Facility

Gilgandra Shire Council is seeking quotations from suitably experienced contractors to undertake earth works and construction works at the Gilgandra Waste Management Facility, Lot 7011 DP1026174 including the construction of batter walls in existing cell and construction of an access road, sump and removal of accumulated silt/water in new cell (already excavated).

Quotations (including GST) must be completed on the Quotation Form below.

Submissions close at 11am on Friday, 16 August 2024. Late quotations will not be accepted.

For further information, please see the Q19/24 Scope of Works document below.

Q19/24 Quotation Form(PDF, 183KB)

Q19/24 Scope of Works(PDF, 413KB)