Q14/24 Concrete Crushing

Gilgandra Shire Council is seeking to appointa concrete and demolition material crushing service, on an as needs basis for a contract term of two years. This service will also reduce the quantities of construction and demolition material being disposed to landfill, and provide a quality and valuable product for Council purposes.This contract is for a two (2) year period.


The Works will generally involve the following:

  • Crushing of concrete stockpile, including structural or ‘oversized’ concrete (with or without steel) demolition concrete, brick, tile and masonry.        
  •  Currently onsite approximately 4,500m3 (loose) stockpiled awaiting processing. Council proposes to initially crush approximately 1,500-2,000 m3 in the immediate term, followed by a subsequent crushing of similar quantity in the following 12-month period.
  • Council will require the concrete to be crushed to a 30-40mm aggregate.
  • Separate rate to specify floatage and establishment costs to be nominated.
  • Contractors to specify the earliest dates available to undertake the initial crushing. 


Quotation shall be submitted on the compulsory quotation form prior to 11:00am Friday, 5 July 2024. Late quotations will not be accepted.


For further information, please contact Council on 6817 0088 or by emailing council@gilgandra.nsw.gov.au

Q14_24-Concrete-Crushing-Quotation.pdf(PDF, 461KB)

Q14_24-Concrete-Crushing-Quotation-form.pdf(PDF, 247KB)

Q14_24-Concrete-Crushing-Quotation-form.docx(DOCX, 48KB)