Plans & Strategies

20 Result(s) Found

Asset Management planning is a comprehensive process to ensure detailed information on all Council assets is available and delivery of services from assets is provided in a financially sustainable manner. The plan defines the services to be provided, how the services are provided and what funds are required to provide the services and will inform the Community Strategic Plan and Long Term Financial Plan. 


The Community Strategic Plan is the highest level plan that Council prepares. Its purpose is to identify the community’s main priorities and aspirations for the future and to plan strategies for achieving these goals. In doing this, the planning process considers the issues and pressures that may affect the community and the level of resources that will realistically be available to achieve its aspirations.

While Council has a custodial role in initiating, preparing and maintaining the Community Strategic Plan on behalf of the community, it is not wholly responsible for its implementation. Other partners, such as other level of government and community groups are also responsible for the delivery of long term strategies in the Plan. These responsibilities are also identified in the Plan.

GSC-Community-Strategic-Plan.pdf(PDF, 8MB)

The Long Term Financial Plan models a number of scenarios in the context of constraints we face in the longer term, providing a sound basis for financial decision making.  The Long Term Financial Plan is a tool that ‘tests’ the community’s aspirations outlined in the Community Strategic Plan against the financial reality. It is both a decision-making tool and a problem solving tool. 


The Delivery Program and Operational Plan sets out the actions (grouped under strategies identified in the Community Strategic Plan) that Council will take over the next ten years, that work towards achieving the outcomes identified in the Community Strategic Plan. This plan also includes anticipated budget requirements for the four years associated with these actions.





The Blueprint commences the process to chart an aspirational
future for Gilgandra CBD by striving to unlock the greatest opportunities, and confront our most difficult challenges. It has been informed through an analysis of Council's strategic documentation and 17 key plans detailing asset management, environment, infrastructure, economic development and cultural facilities.

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