Update - GSC Appeal to the Community for Water Conservation

On Display Indefinitely

Update - GSC Appeal to the Community for Water Conservation

For immediate release.

Gilgandra Shire Council (GSC) wishes to thank the community for their ongoing understanding and continues to appeal to residents of Gilgandra township to be mindful of their water consumption.

The Water Treatment Plant relies on two pumps to deliver water from the treatment plant to the reservoirs. The larger one of these two pumps failed. The failure has limited the treatment plant’s capacity to match the high demand associated with the hotter months.

The failed pump is a specialty item, purpose built for our water treatment plant and has been sent to a service centre for repairs but is still a number of weeks away before a solution is available.

General Manager David Neeves thanks residents for their continued assistance,

“We wish to thank residents for their efforts to conserve water while the pump is awaiting repair. The appeal to conserve water has resulted in a decrease in consumption by around 18% on hot days and has averted the need to impose formal water restrictions for the time being.

While the water consumption and production capability remains finely balanced, we ask that you continue to be mindful of your water consumption, particularly the watering of lawns and gardens and the time of day when this occurs. Whilst some rain and cooler weather has helped, your ongoing support is greatly appreciated, and updates will be provided to the community.”

Please note, that Ernie Knight, McGrane Oval, Hunter Park, Cooee Lodge and Retirement Village all have their own alternate bore water supply.

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Contact: David Neeves

               General Manager


               02 6817 8800