Building a better Gilgandra with $329,000 investment

Published on 10 November 2021


Gilgandra’s town centre is set to be transformed into a thriving social and cultural precinct, thanks to a $329,514 investment from the Federal Government.


Federal Member for Parkes Mark Coulton yesterday met with Gilgandra Shire Council Mayor Doug Batten to discuss plans to revitalise the town centre as part of The Mill on Miller Street project.


“It’s fantastic to get out to Gilgandra to see and hear first-hand just what a difference this project will make,” Mr Coulton said.


“A vibrant CBD is vital for regional towns and cities to not only attract visitors but to entice people to move to and stay in our regions.


“The Mill on Miller Street project will see the development of a plaza area, linking the heart of Gilgandra with the natural beauty of the Castlereagh River and Windmill Walk. It will provide a space for the community to gather, supporting existing social events and boosting tourism while providing safer pedestrian access.”


Mr Coulton said this project, funded under the Federal Government’s Building Better Regions Fund, will also create local jobs during the construction period, providing a significant economic boost to Gilgandra.


“The Building Better Regions Fund is all about strengthening the local economy and delivering lasting benefits to communities like Gilgandra, particularly as it recovers from the impacts of COVID-19,” Mr Coulton said.


“Gilgandra Shire Council deserves a huge congratulations on receiving grant – it’s an outstanding success for our region and I’m very excited to see the project come to fruition.”


Gilgandra Mayor Doug Batten said the project will include landscaping, a new stage area for events and activation, improved accessibility, and lighting and public art.


“Excitingly, the plaza area is adjacent to the planned GIL Library Community Hub, which will really see a transformation happen in our main street over the next 18 months,” Cr Batten said.


“We are thankful for the support of the Federal Government in helping to bring this vision to a reality for our community, particularly as we bounce back from recent challenges and looks forward.


“We believe this project will encourage longer visits to Gilgandra by visitors and locals alike with an aim to stay, play, activate the main street and increase local business trade.”


The Mill on Miller Street project is one of only three projects in the Parkes electorate to receive funding under Round 5 of the BBRF. The Australian Government has committed almost $300 million to 298 projects across regional Australia under this latest round, taking the total support to $1.38 billion.


For a full list of successful projects, please visit:

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