Gilgandra Library Relocation Closure

Published on 28 January 2025

For immediate release.

In exciting news, the Gilgandra Shire Library will soon be delivering its services to the community from its new home, the GIL Library Hub in Miller Street.

With a collection of over 20,000 books, games, LEGO, puzzles, DVDs, technology, and more, the move is no small feat. To ensure the safe relocation of all resources, the library will be closed for four weeks from the close of business on Friday, 31 January 2025, reopening on the Monday, 3 March 2025.

General Manager, David Neeves shares his enthusiasm for this milestone,

“We have all been waiting for this moment, and the time has come. It’s with great pleasure that I can advise the community that the move will be commencing and the GIL Library Hub will soon be opening,”

“The staff at the Gilgandra Library have been working diligently to prepare for this significant move. The GIL Library Hub is a transformative, intergenerational asset for our community and region. It will feature not only library services but also co-working spaces, learning opportunities, cultural expression areas, community and business rooms, and outdoor spaces. We’re excited to welcome the community into this new space.”

To support the community during this closure, the library encourages residents to stock up on books and resources in advance, with all loans extended and no borrowing limits. Printing services to the community and public will be available at Council’s Administration Office in Warren Road and Gilgandra Youth Services in Hall Street. Free Wi-Fi will remain available in the vicinity of the current library location.

Council and the Gilgandra Shire Library look forward to re-opening its doors on the Monday, 3 March and welcoming the community to explore and enjoy the new GIL Library Hub.

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Contact: Merscia Kouroulis

               Activation and Communications Manager


               02 6817 8800

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