Council wishes to thank the community for their ongoing understanding and continues to appeal to residents of Gilgandra township to be mindful of their water consumption.
Click here to read the full statement.
Come along to share your thoughts and provide feedback, as well as hear from GSC staff regarding the recent Community Insights Survey results.
Click here for more information on session locations and timings.
10.7 & 603 Certificates may be required during the sale of property for contractual purposes.
Section 10.7 Planning Certificates, also known as zoning certificates, are legal documents issued by Council under the provisions of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979. They contain information about how a property may be used and restrictions on development that may apply.
A Section 10.7 Certificate is a zoning certificate that is generated by Council, which is specific to the property in question. It is based on the Local Environmental Plan (LEP) within Council. It includes information such as the land zone (e.g. R2 Residential) as well as whether it is affected by bushfire, flooding, road widening, etc. It also states which State Government policies apply to the site (SEPP).
If you need to apply to Council for a 10.7 Certificate, you can access the application forms here.
What is the difference between a 10.7(2) and 10.7(5)?
Section 10.7(2) – Provides information such as the zoning of the land, permissible and prohibited land uses, details of exempt and complying development, controls for development or hazards. These include matters such as heritage, coastal protection, bush fire, contaminated land and flooding. These matters are identified in Schedule 4 of the Environmental Planning and Assessment Regulation 2000.
Section 10.7(5) – Provides both the information available in a Section 10.7(2) and additional matters such as dwelling permissibility, burials on private land and information on applicability of Council’s Management of Contaminated Land Policy if applicable.
A 603 Certificate allows applicants to find out the amount (if any) due or payable to Council by way of rates, charges or otherwise for a parcel of land.
All Council fees can be found here.