When considering a new development, the first place to look is the Local Environment Plan and Development Control Plan for Gilgandra. These two documents assist in determining what types of planning and development can occur in specific areas (or land use zones) in the Shire. These are a good starting point when considering the Development Application process. They provide information on what you will need to submit as part of the application process, and they also provides examples of the kinds of documentation and information required from the applicant.
A Local Environmental Plan (LEP) guides planning decisions for local government areas. They do this through zoning and development controls, which provide a framework for the way land can be used.
You may have heard of land use zones - these are set out in our LEP and specify what kinds of development are allowed in a particular zone. For example, an industrial zone will not allow for residential buildings to be constructed, or a rural zone has certain limitations on what kinds of business can operate. LEPs are the main planning tool to shape the future of communities and also ensure local development is done appropriately.
If you are considering a new development on property in Gilgandra, it is a good idea to read through what kinds of development are permitted on the land use zone your property is categorised.