What We Offer & What You Can Borrow

We offer something for everyone!  Free computer and wifi access! You can borrow off the shelf or online from our wide collection of books, audiobooks, magazines and more! 

The GIL Library Hub is a branch of North Western Library, and you can search the North Western Library Catalogue here. 

Items are to be returned through the returns chute at the front of the building.


Shelf collections

On-the-shelf Collections include:

  • fiction (all ages)
  • picture books
  • student readers
  • large print books
  • talking books
  • music CDs
  • DVDs
  • non-fiction (all ages)
  • biographies
  • magazines
  • graphic novels


Digital collections

eBooks and eAudiobooks are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week….and they’re FREE for all library members!  For more information, visit Council’s My Online Library page.

Books on prescription

Our library has Books on Prescription

This is a special collection that can be borrowed, to help the community use reading to understand and manage mental health and well-being.  The scheme is endorsed by health professionals, who have recommended all of the books in the collection.  The books have also been tried and tested by people with experience of living with the conditions.  Library staff are available to help find the books that are in the collection, and they can be borrowed for free, as with all library items.  



Find Legal Answers

Find Legal Answers provides free access to legal information online and in NSW Public Libraries, and is provided by the State Library Legal Information Access Centre.  Through this initiative, our library has the Legal Tool Kit, a regularly updated collection of plain language books about the law, and Hot Topics, plain language information for students and others who want to understand a recent legal issue or change in the law.

'Drug Info' - NSW Health and the State Library of NSW 

Find up-to-date information about alcohol and drugs in our library and online.  Drug Info is a joint initiative of NSW Health and the State Library of New South Wales.  Through this initiative our library provides drug information you can trust.