Gilgandra Region Community Strategic Plan 2035


Gilgandra Shire Council (GSC) is inviting the local community to assist in planning the Gilgandra Region’s future over the next 10 years, by joining the conversation around the 2035 Community Strategic Plan (CSP). The CSP is GSC’s highest level planning and is the blueprint that outlines the identified vision, priorities and actions to achieve under the guiding themes of Live, Enjoy, Grow, & Lead.

Community consultation sessions have officially wrapped up, where members of the Gilgandra Region spoke with Councillors and GSC staff, and had their say. Consultation sessions were held in Bearbong, Tooraweenah, Curban, Armatree, Cobboco and Gilgandra. Council would like to thank all those who attended and contributed to planning the future of the Gilgandra Region.

Next steps:

  • Council review of feedback and survey results to form the Draft CSP
  • The Draft CSP will go on public exhibition throughout June 2025 


The current Community Strategic Plan and other relevant strategies, such as Gilgandra Activation Blueprint, Local Strategic Planning Statement and more, can be viewed here. Or view the current Community Strategic Plan here.(PDF, 8MB)