Towards 5000: Gilgandra Youth Strategy Gilgandra Shire Council, together with the University of Newcastle, are working on creating the Gilgandra Youth Strategy. We need your help to develop the strategy by sharing your experiences, opinions, and ideas.
2024 Community Insights Survey Gilgandra Shire Council (GSC) is inviting our residents to complete its Community Insights Survey and join the conversation on the facilities and services provided on your behalf, to assist in planning our future over the next 10 years of the 2034 Community Strategic Plan.
Towards 5000: Green Space Strategy To assist in planning our future as part of our Towards 5000 vision, and in collaboration with the 2034 Community Strategic Plan, Council is currently working on the Green Space Strategy. The portal allows community members to provide feedback, access information, and view the Green Space Summit presentation.
Draft Community Engagement Strategy This strategy aims to foster open communication, encourage participation, and ensure that every citizen feels heard and valued. By actively engaging with you, we can make more informed decisions that truly reflect the needs and aspirations of our community.